
Modern endeavors to share a life-changing gospel.

Since its beginning in the early 1900s in Norway, Brunstad Christian Church’s work has been based on a vision of bringing individual people in connection with Jesus.

Consistent with BCC, our goal as Brunstad Christian Church North America is that a personal and living faith can be born in each person.

Based on Jesus’ Great Commission

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 18:19-20 

Jesus’ Great Commission was an encouragement to spread the word of hope about salvation to all those who are interested. This has formed the basis for our church’s work. Through the preaching of faith, and exhortation and encouragement to live a disciple life, BCC has spread internationally from Europe to North and South America, Africa, Asia and Oceania.

Sharing the Gospel – New Endeavors

In recent years, BCC and affiliated organizations have worked to create a series of applications, websites, resources, and programs to share Christian content. New digital resources such as ActiveChristianity, Bible X, and Song Treasures allow users to explore how the gospel Jesus came with can be applied practically to our own everyday lives. These resources can be found on our Resources page.

Donations to support missionary work are a regular and important part of our fundraising efforts. Members of Brunstad Christian Church North America contribute personal funds, skills, and resources to develop the aforementioned programs, and write, film, edit, and translate Christian content. We collaborate with bi-annual BCC mission events to raise both money and awareness for mission-based endeavors. 

Meeting People Where They Are

Despite an immense focus on digital outreach in recent years, our approach to mission, historically, has been to spread the Gospel from person to person through natural encounters with people in their daily lives and personal environments. 

In line with Jesus’ Great Commission, we see the need to establish sustainable meeting places where members and contacts are able to meet to hear God’s word and to share their own experiences of faith with like-minded Christians. In recent decades, Brunstad Christian Church has constructed over ten different conference centers for the purpose of gathering and sharing God’s word.

Missionary Work Creates Opportunities In Developing Countries

Building projects across the globe have generated a model of Christian social entrepreneurship and created jobs at a local level. Many church members have become involved in building projects at their local properties to create more infrastructure, such as meeting and activity rooms, and sports halls.

This work has provided opportunities for members in developing countries to improve their socio-economic status, as working on such projects has allowed local members to gain valuable work skills that can be transferred into future employment opportunities and businesses.

We have found that this approach to missionary work – where members have the opportunity to actively contribute – yields positive outcomes across society. Individuals are able to implement their gained skills and resources back into their local communities, and thereby, are also able to sustain and further mission work at a local level for years to come.